Super discount! WooCommerce Barcode plugin is up to 30% off 
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Downloads all barcode from One Page

Table of Contents

You can download all barcodes from one page, you can also filter barcodes by product name or product category. It’s really beautiful



Ajax Filtering: #

here you can filter the barcode by name and by category,

  • Filter by name: Enter the product name and you will see the barcode displayed according to your search product name
  • Filter by Category: choose the product category name from the drop-down and you will see the barcode displayed according to the Category
  • Load More: This is the Ajax Pages button, click the button it will display the next page barcode without page refresh. This button will disappear if you choose barcode-1 (minus one) per page

Downloads all barcode


Super discount! WooCommerce Barcode plugin is up to 30% off 
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