Super discount! WooCommerce Barcode plugin is up to 30% off 
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For the Free version: #

Go to Plugins > Add New > Enter “Product Barcode Generator” in the search box


Barcode generator free version


For the Premium version: #

Download the file and install as below




After Active the plugin, Clicking on the part marked in red will take you to the settings page


Active Licence: #


First of all, go to the My Account page to collect the license key according to toy your account. login to your account

Login page



Then go to the My Account link and copy the license key


Now go to the license page from the settings page paste the license key and save. Your plugin will be activated


Super discount! WooCommerce Barcode plugin is up to 30% off 
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds
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